Tired of Feeling Like You’re Not Enough?


If you feel like no matter how hard you try, it's never good enough? You're not alone.
Despite growing workloads, studies show that 80% of young adults still feel like they are falling short. With a staggering majority of the population feeling the same way, it can only mean one thing. Our lifestyle needs to change.
My Signature Program not only improves your self-love and self-acceptance but will also help you anchor into your souls purpose, align your vital life force energy and manifest your wildest dreams! With 1:1 Coaching sessions for your mind, body, and soul, you'll learn how to disconnect from the world around you and connect and care for the incredible soul you are inside.
Because you are so worth it!

It’s Time To Love Yourself Again

With one-on-one Reflective Support, Energetic Healing, Breathwork and access to your Akashic Records, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.



Are you Ready to Discover Your Soul's Purpose and Finally Live in Alignment?


When we live our life aligned to our Soul's purpose, everything becomes easier & more in flow. It is my mission to help you find that purpose and live in ease, grace & abundance.

  • Clear your mind and connect to your higher-self with conscious journaling
  • Connect with your body through Breath, Reiki Healing & Embodiment Practices
  • Align your vision with your reality

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

Session #1

90 minute Transformational Breathwork

Breathwork with sound, reiki healing, and subconscious reprogramming that help you peel back so many layers of healing in one powerful session!

Session #2

What is My Soul's Purpose: Akashic Records Reading 

This week we sit in Akashic meditation with your higher self, guides and angels what your Soul's purpose is in this incarnation. We will also have time to explore any questions you may have about your health, career and relationships.


Healing Lower Vibrational Contracts in an Akashic Healing 

This week is a timeline tune up so to speak. We will Dive deep into the triggers you uncovered last week. Then we will Feel into what timelines those triggers are coming from (past, present, another lifetime, another dimension or reality!) Next with Akashic Healing we will release all chords, attachments, vows, and contracts to these timelines, blessing them and releasing them back to the universe to transmute into love and light.

Session #4

Balancing the Divine Energies with Reiki Healing

This week is a Energetic Realignment. In our Journaling we will be tapping into that divine balanced energy. Then during our one on one healing, we will be utilizing Reiki energy to balance your chakras, release any energetic chords or attachments to lower vibrational, stagnant energy. Reiki energy or Universal energy, is a gentle, intelligent energy and can be sent forward or backward across space and time. This will leave you feeling grounded, balanced and ease the integration pains you may have been feeling.

Session #5

Integration of the Shadow: Quantum Activation

Identifying where you have a shadow that appeared throughout these 5 weeks together. It might include things such as repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, shortcomings, envy, greed, prejudice, hate, and aggression. Float above into the Observer Role and have Grace for yourself. Feeling into these moments to bless and release the shadow, pain and trauma once and for all.


"๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’› thank you again for your gift and for holding space. There were really big things being released in that and I feel like your compassionate warrior spirit helped me not only feel safe to release but empowered and fucking strong!! Appreciate you so much!"

Kara Michelle

"๐Ÿฆ‹I have been searching for someone who does the work you do for a while. I have done some readings and classes with other people but never felt like I could see me coming back over and over. I felt an instant connection with you and the things you told me were very validating and made me believe you know what you are doing. You also listened to me which was so helpful and had enough patience to put things into words that I could understand and find helpful to create change. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and am excited for that to continue over time. I have already recommended you to several friends/family and will continue to more. I cannot think of an improvement at this time. I really enjoyed your humanness and felt really connected to you through this whole process."

Rebecca Wilson


 Reflective Coaching is my unique approach to holding you in this safe container of growth while also acting as the reflection you need to be able to see your triggers and heal them. Reflectors in Human Design are ~1% of the worlds population, and we are here to gauge when energy/people feel out of alignment. I'm a natural BS meter to the programs & stories you run in your mind and as such I see you in your highest potential in THIS NOW MOMENT. I reflect that back to you with empathy and grace offering you the permission slip you need to uplevel absolutely everything about yourself.

Reflectors are Energetic Activators and being in their vibration will change you...

So...are you Ready?


I am a multidisciplinary Intuitive Healer, Coach, Reflector & forever student to the Light. My self healing journey has led me to discover, learn & seek mastery in healing modalities that have personally transformed my life in every possible way, from my mindset, relationship with food, body image, sensuality, relationships with friends / family & connection with God/Source/Universal Energy.


My training & background includes the traditional (BS in Biology, MBA in Finance from Drexel University, Post Graduate Certificate in Women in Leadership from Cornell) & non-traditional (Usui Reiki Master Teacher & Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner, Somatic & Transformational Breathwork Coach) 

 Working with me you can expect an activation & healing experience that will help you transmute any negative patterns that are holding you back from feeling light, aligned & empowered. Using Breathwork, Reiki, Akashic & Quantum Healing, Journaling, & Intuitive guidance, I help you discover your Authenticity, Love & Self Acceptance as you step into your highest timeline (aka your best life).

Most would describe me as a mother, wife, and small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.


Everyoneโ€™s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



5 Monthly Payments

  • Access to 1 Session a month
  • Printable weekly mindset workbook & Journal Prompts



Best deal!

  • Weekly 1:1 Healing & coaching calls
  • Printable (or Printed) full mindset workbook & Journal Prompts
  • Live phone, text, and video support


Change of heart? Let me know within the first 24-hours for a full refund. No questions asked.

All Photos of me were taken by the very talented Laura Liz Photography